
Señorios de Relleu Coupage gehört zu den besten NOE (Nativen Olivenöls Extra) der Welt, 95 von 100 Punkten im Flos Olei Guide 2025!!!! Der wichtigste italienische Führer für die Welt des nativen Olivenöls extra, Flos Olei, hat uns wieder einmal eine hervorragende Bewertung gegeben: 95...

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass der Wettbewerb für Natives Olivenöl "Ciudad de Utiel" nach mehreren Jahren Pause wieder stattgefunden hat und eines unserer Nativen Olivenöle Extra zu den Gewinnern gehört. Dieser Wettbewerb war schon immer das Maß aller Dinge bei der Auswahl der besten Nativen Olivenöle...

Auf der größten internationalen Tourismusmesse Spaniens, der Fitur, wurden wir im Rahmen der CreaTurisme-Preise der Comunidad Valenciana für unsere touristischen Erfahrungen mit Olivenöl in der Kategorie L'Exquisit Mediterrani ausgezeichnet. Oleotourismus ist die Bezeichnung für touristische Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit EVOO (Natives Olivenöl Extra). Es handelt sich um...

Der wichtigste italienische Führer für die Welt des nativen Olivenöls extra, Flos Olei, hat uns wieder einmal eine hervorragende Bewertung gegeben: 95 Punkte. Wir sind mit der erreichten Punktzahl sehr zufrieden, da wir diese Bewertung nun schon seit mehr als 4 Jahren in Folge erhalten haben...

In the 2023 edition of the “Guide to Oils and Wines of La Semana Vitivinícola"We have obtained an oil on the honor roll with a score of 95 points, which corresponds to our Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Intense Coupage, from the Alfafara or Alfafarenca variety. For...

We have received an honorable mention in the XIV Agusti Seres contest dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of olive oil culture with originality and limited resources. The purpose of the Award is to recognize the work, individual or collective, of promotion and diffusion of the...

Señorios de Relleu has been awarded at the Eco & Organic Retail Awards in the category of Ecodesign of organic products for our gourmet single doses. These awards have been awarded during the Organic Food Iberia fair, the largest organic products fair in Spain, where we...

In the tenth edition of the Forme dell'olio International Packaging and Innovation Contest organized in Italy, we have received 3 awards in different categories for our new single-dose packaged in 20 ml aluminum tubes. A total success of this launch that we did about a year...

Within the leading fair on the world of Olive Oils: World Olive Exhibition of Madrid, in its tenth edition, we have received the first prize in the category of Cosmetics and Beauty Products. We have just presented this new product that we have been developing for...

We have obtained a Silver medal in the Ecodesign contest, where the best sustainable packaging of ecological products is awarded. We have introduced our pocket edition 100ml bottle collection: Back to the Origins. Ecodesign is a practice that seeks to reduce the environmental impact of products...

In this year's 2022 edition of the "Guide to Oils and Wines of La Semana Vitivinícola" we have obtained an oil in the honor roll with a score of 96 points, which has corresponded to our Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Intense Coupage . For the eleventh...

From the association of Olis D'Almassera (Almazara Oils) of the Valencian Community, we have been awarded a Gold medal to our EVOOs (Extra Virgin Olive Oils).   A tasting of different EVOOs produced in the Valencian Community was carried out and during the celebration of a conference...

From the most important Italian Guide in the World of Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Flos Olei, they once again give us an excellent score: 95 points. Very happy with the score obtained, since they have also been obtaining this score for more than 3 consecutive years,...