06 Avr Finalists as Best Organic Oil of the Valencian Community
We are very happy, because our Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil « Organic Coupage » has been awarded since the « ESAO AWARDS » organized by the Higher School of Olive Oil « ESAO » and the Committee of Ecological Agriculture of the Valencian Community (CAECV) .
We present ourselves within the category of the best Ecological Extra Virgin Olive Oils of the Valencian Community supporting CAECV in the 1st ESAO – CAECV Ecological Oils Contest and we have been among the finalists.
We cannot be happier for this recognition, since due to the COVID situation it is being a very hard one for our sector and we have decided to be conservative and not present ourselves to the various awards in the sector. If you want to consult the list of winners, you can see it by clicking here.
ESAO is the Higher School of Olive Oil based in Valencia and they are pioneers in the formation of Olive Oil.
The Higher School of Olive Oil is the place chosen by the best professionals to improve their careers and raise the quality of their EVOO.
The Committee of Ecological Agriculture of the Valencian Community (CAECV) is the Control Authority in charge of certifying the ecological agri-food products of the Valencian Community.
Organic farming has undergone a meteoric evolution in recent years that has made Spain the first country in the European Union in agricultural area dedicated to this production and processing system, and one of the five most important in the world.